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Press Release

Sonic Foundry to Record 11th Annual Digital Healthcare Conference in Madison

Mediasite Events to capture expertise from renowned national medical leaders June 10-12

MADISON, Wis. — June 10, 2013 — This week, national healthcare leaders will discuss how technology can help them respond to their changing marketplace at the Digital Healthcare Technology Conference in Madison, Wis., and the world can watch as it’s recorded via Mediasite by Sonic Foundry, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOFO), the trusted leader for video content management and webcasting solutions.

Presented by WTN Media, this interactive symposium is June 10-12 at the Fluno Center for Executive Education in Madison, and features healthcare executives, providers, policy makers, researchers and educators. Plus, a new program called Start Me Up, a collaborative opportunity for emerging health information technology start-ups, will be held June 10. Eight emerging companies will present about how their technology improves healthcare delivery, quality and safety, and CIOs will discuss how to approach them for pilot projects.

Among the presenters are Judy Faulkner, Founder and CEO of Epic; Frank D. Byrne, MD, President of St. Mary’s Hospital and Jeffrey Grossman, MD, President and CEO of University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation. Sonic Foundry’s Mediasite Events team will record all sessions at the conference and make them available after the event on-demand.

“Healthcare information technology funding grew dramatically in 2013 and continues to grow. There are huge opportunities for entrepreneurs to transform healthcare, and this conference will focus on strategies and tips about how IT can help them respond successfully to this changing landscape,” said Mike Klein, conference CEO and editorial director for WTN Media. “Because the conference is all about how IT can increase success, it’s only fitting that we’re using Mediasite to capture our conference, resulting in an online video library of knowledge that can be used for years to come.”

“Video has a myriad of applications in the healthcare industry – from grand rounds and patient simulations to surgical training and delivering critical public health information. Conferences that serve that industry are increasingly recognizing the importance of capturing the most information presented on-site for reference later,” said Rob Lipps, executive vice president of Sonic Foundry.  “We’re proud to partner with WTN Media to capture the Digital Healthcare Technology Conference and preserve the knowledge shared by the best thinkers in the healthcare technology field.”

Mediasite Events is a leading provider of webcasting for hybrid events and high-profile meetings. The group supplies technical webcasting services and expertise to organizations who seek to complement their conference or event with viewing over the web.

About Sonic Foundry®, Inc.

Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Madison, Wis., Sonic Foundry (OTC: SOFO) is dedicated to transforming how the world works and learns through innovative and scalable technology solutions. Sonic Foundry’s brands include Vidable® and Global Learning Exchange® which help unlock a smarter, more connected world for learners, workers, and entrepreneurs everywhere. For more information visit


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